Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Beautiful Chapters of Mankind

Today when you scroll down, find a chapter called “Human values of life”,
It use to be the most "beautiful chapters"
And today you got to read it how it has changed down the line.
Please open it from the chapter “Human values of life"
I recall the days when human followed the golden values of
longingness for love, the inquisitiveness for knowledge,
and unbearable courage for the suffering of mankind.

Let me be a tribal society; there won't be any bureaucracy then,
no corruption, and no inequality;
Let me Drink and smoke and be the innocent;
the selfless words and values, beyond the confusion.
Where everyone works for their food and cherishes of what they have for themselves most of the time.
Let big Sal leaf sweep the time back to the wild flowers, pasture springs,
woods and stone, and precarious farms.

It seems I lost the divine grace for mere materialistic race;
it was the time when we use to sweat and sweat to be human,
But today I am cramped with the awful sight of greed and the wind of evil which divide.
The Cries of pain reverberated within my sense;
Where have the values vanished?
I see out of victims tortured and children in famine
and of old people left helpless.

I urge turn the pages back and stop alleviate the evil,
Bring me the smell of muddy soil, the mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision
of the heaven be the change;
clasp, morals and ethics this is you the mankind.
Love, knowledge and care brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness manifested by glittering richness,
But it seems I cannot, you cannot, and we cannot.
And thus we all suffer with the last supper, Oh God!

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