Monday, December 20, 2010

It’s all about Defense for Existence

In India, it is estimated about 50,000 people die per year due to snake bites (exact fig. not known); the death rate out of snake bite is alarming and is inevitable. In spite India being one of the world’s leading producers of snake venom antiserum, is ending up in making snakes so hostile to human. A great many primary care hospitals do not treat snake bite the reason behind the Doctors are either not confident to treat the patient or the patient is brought very late to the well-equipped casualty treatment facility area. These are not small numbers, and hence good supply of polyvalent anti snake venom should be available in all population centers. Under is the recommendation method for India as to how to go about in a situation when bitten by a snake.
Recommended Method for India
The first aid being currently recommended is based around the mnemonic:
“Do it R.I.G.H.T.”
It consists of the following:
R. = Reassure the patient. 70% of all snakebites are from non-venomous species. Only 50% of bites by venomous species actually envenomate the patient
I=Immobilize in the same way as a fractured limb. Use bandages or cloth to hold the splints, not to block the blood supply or apply pressure. Do not apply any compression in the form of tight ligatures, they don’t work and can be dangerous!
G. H. = Get to Hospital Immediately. Traditional remedies have NO PROVEN benefit in treating snakebite.
 T = Tell the doctor of any systemic symptoms such as ptosis that manifest on the way to hospital.

Hope this piece of article be of some use to save human life and reduce the hostile relation of snakes with humans were we think and appreciate each others existence.  

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